Carita Bodywork - Ka Huna & Heartworks Lomilomi Facilitator & Practitioner
Carita Bodywork - Ka Huna & Heartworks Lomilomi Facilitator & Practitioner
Rating 5.0 (average of 19 opinions)
Carita Bodywork offers holistic massage treatments infusing KaHuna Bodywork, Heartworks Lomi Lomi, Thai Yoga Massage, Ortho Bionomy, Cranial Sacral to provide relief from stress and muscular tensions, and relaxation.
Carita Bodywork offers holistic massage treatments infusing KaHuna Bodywork, Heartworks Lomi Lomi, Thai Yoga Massage, Ortho Bionomy, Cranial Sacral to provide relief from stress and muscular tensions, and relaxation. She also teaches Yoga and holds Massage Retreats for Heartworks Lomi Lomi and Personal Development Workshops in Australia and internationally. Massage treatments are available mainly in Cooran (Noosa Hinterland), and twice annually in Singapore. Carita Bodywork looks forward to meeting you soon.
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