This is a Product and Volunteer Project. It's designed as a Non-Profit. Proceeds will be used to purchase merchandise for families that have lost a child.
I decided to organize a charity where others can get involved by volunteering, donating or purchasing goods and/or time. I don't like just giving money to charities because I don't know how it will be handled and volunteering sometimes is wears on my heart. So, this is fun and something to do. You can volunteer and help make soap and other fun stuff and in doing so you also get to take one home! Or, you can come to a workshop on Saturday's at 11:00 (reservation is required) for $27 which includes all supplies, and make your own and learn how to do it in the process. These profits will go towards families that have lost a child and will help cover the costs associated with this. I know its a really sad subject but I have seen the pain losing a child causes and the financial hardship is pretty taxing for those families. It's not a lot but I know this is the first step to helping others in need. Okay, enough about that - Come make soap and have some fun. You can email me at Lisa' or to put in your reservation. I will have class postings every week to try different stuff. Yeah!!!! So much fun....
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