Starseed Holistic Healing

Holistic Healing Therapies: Reiki, Sound Healing, Unicorn Healing, Rahanni Celestial Healing, Metatron Colour Therapy & Aura Photography

Our hope is to help people create the changes they want in their life through holistic healing and energy therapies. Holistic therapies can help with you on your personal healing journey and spiritual development.

Starseed Holistic Healing is located in South Tipperary and you can choose from a range of relaxing complimentary therapies via distance healing.
~ We offer appointments for the following therapies:
Reiki, Rahanni Celestial Healing and Unicorn Healing.
These therapies help heal the mind, body and soul. We offer holistic therapies that can assist in healing all aspects of the body. This includes the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual parts of the body. These therapies can help bring more balance to your life.

We work with energy and angelic therapies and we are just a channel for these wonderful healing energies. We call on higher beings of light to help us with all our healings. We would invoke Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels, Unicorns, Dolphins, Elementals, the Starpeople, our Ancestors and the beings of Ancient cultures to help as needed.

It is wonderful to be part of an individual’s journey and see the transformation and changes that can occur within each person. Each person’s journey is an ongoing process of growth and healing to bring about positive change and create more positivity in your life.

Details on our website of all healing therapies offered.

Booking for distance healings can be made on our website. Details of each therapy on our website. As soon as we receive your email, we will contact you to arrange a time for your distance healing.

Courses in all levels of Reiki offered at the moment. If you would like details on the next course, please see our website or contact us through the website.

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Professional Service


      Cashel, Tipperary, Ireland

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