Scott Donat,
The FootGuy
Husband Father Grandfather
Reverend Reflexologist Hypnotist
The Way Through Ministries
Facilitating Workshops & Men's Gatherings
Testimonial: As a fellow practitioner who also trained at the International Institute of Reflexology, I can speak confidently of Scott’s technical skills. His understanding of this amazing discipline and how it applies to all the parts, systems, and functions of the body is outstanding. But it is Scott’s intuition, compassion, and sensitivity to the emotional and spiritual aspects of your being that distinguish him as a great healer. After my first session, a knee problem I had been treating with chiropractic and acupuncture for six months is now gone. At my second session, Scott worked with my left arm/wrist which was fractured last March. I now have less pain and greater mobility and look forward to full recovery without surgery. Thank you, Scott, for being a member of my wellness team. Daylight
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