Abundant Heart Coaching

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Creating a business can be tough, it takes true dedication, commitment, time and energy. Your business doesn't have to steal the precious moments away from your children, if it currently is, then I can guarantee that you will be limiting your own success.

Hi. I’m Sally Holden, a Strategic Life Coach, Professional Kinesiology Practitioner and adoring mum of my two teenage girls.

I believe that life has a way of waking us up when we need it the most.

Back in 2008, my marriage of eight years ended abruptly and I was suddenly faced with raising two young girls (then 6 and 8) as a single mother. Just six short months later, my beautiful Mum Nola Holden, was diagnosed with terminal cancer and passed away 14 months later.

To say it had given me a gentle slap is an understatement!

These events made me examine every part of my life. I realised that I was wearing so many masks that I no longer knew who I was anymore, let alone anyone else truly knowing me. I was trying to please so many people, trying to be perfect. I had lost so much self-confidence and self-worth over that time that I had completely stopped doing so much of what I loved and was not longer expressing who I am.

If you’ve ever felt completely closed off, exhausted and shutdown to the world, then I know exactly what that’s like.

I knew in my heart that I wasn’t being who I was meant to be. To make matters worse, I knew I wasn’t being the role model I had intended to be for my beautiful daughters, nor could I attract love into my life while living this way.

Something had to change.

I went on a journey to seek out the keys to my own Empowerment and Self Love and in the process discovered how to create a life that I truly love by being my authentic self.

I now believe I’m the luckiest lady ever. After years of wondering if I would ever attract the partner of my dreams, I now have the most amazing and wonderful man in my life. What’s more, I’ve built My Options for Life business from zero to six figures.

More than anything, I want to share my skills, tools and life experience to help you create massive momentum and embrace positive changes in your life. As a Strategic Life Coach, I work with clients to overcome their biggest challenges, obstacles and fears, identify their greatest strengths and ignite their inner power to live the life of their dreams.

In the past 8 years, I’ve completed my studies as a Strategic Life Coach through the Robbins-Madanes Training in Strategic Intervention Life Coaching and I’m proud to be named as one of Scott Harris’s top UC Pro Accredited Coaches. I’ve also attained both the Australian and International Diplomas in PKP Kinesiology.

My approach is to listen in a heartfelt way and to broach sensitive topics to allow my clients to really open up and get to the heart of what is going on.
I’m driven to constantly update my knowledge and share this knowledge and my life experiences with clients to inspire Self Love and Gratitude, which leads to living a fully Empowered life.

If living an Empowered life is for you, call me now for an appointment on 0428 316 546.

    Personal Coach, Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Consulting Agency

   0428 316546



      Wagga Wagga, Australia

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