Aldaron Essences

Aldaron Essences flower essence formulas for dogs. Reduce stress and anxiety, increase confidence, tone down negative behaviors with our expertly-blended natural remedies.

What are Aldaron Essences?

Aldaron Essences’ formula line consists of 30+ uniquely effective original flower essence blends for dogs. Available online since 2009, each of our formulas is conceived, developed, and hand-blended by long-time professional dog trainer and canine behavior specialist Julie Cantrell BSc, CDBC. Using traditional English (Bach) and North American flower remedies, Aldaron Essences’ Canine Behavior Support flower essence formulas balance extreme and out-of-balance emotions that lead to problem behavior. Our formulas are helping dogs live better lives every day!

How are they used?

Aldaron Essences are simple to give to your dog. Just put a few drops in her food, on a snack or treat, in her water, or directly into the mouth, 3-4 times per day. It usually takes from 3 days to 2 weeks to begin seeing small but noticeable changes in behavior. The most common effect is a gradual, progressive reduction in the severity of the negative reaction being treated. No worries about them being habit-forming; simply continue giving to your dog on a daily basis for as long as you continue to see improvement, and quit once the improve behavior has “settled in”. How long this takes varies; it may be a few weeks or a few months, depending on your dog. (For complete instructions see: )

How Aldaron Essences can help your dog:

Anxiety, Fears & Phobias

If your dog is fearful of strange people or dogs, anxious in new places, scared of thunderstorms, gunshots, or fireworks, flower essences can often help. Whether your dog's fear issues are long-standing, or just an under-confident stage, Aldaron Essences has flower essence formulas designed to help improve confidence, ease fears, and reduce panic in dogs. Check out the formulas in our Anxiety, Fears & Phobias category:

Getting Along Better with Others

If your pup is going through a bossy, bratty stage, if your dog becomes frustrated and reactive around other dogs, or if you have competitive, jealous dogs that can't seem to get along, flower essences can help! Aldaron Essences has flower essence formulas designed to help balance and reduce bossy, bad-tempered, reactive behavior, and increase tolerance, self control, patience, and cooperation in dogs. See all the formulas in our Getting Along Better category here:

Learning & Performance

Let us help you help your dog make the most out of the learning process! Whether you're a pet owner raising and training your perfect canine companion, a breed fancier looking to build a showier ring presence, or a dog sports competitor training for a highly chiseled performance, Aldaron Essences has flower essence formulas that can help improve focus, lesson retention, patience, confidence, self control, and more! View our Learning & Performance category of formulas for dogs:

Separation Anxiety & Over-Attachment

Whether your dog is just a little clingy and needy, or can't cope if you leave her sight, Aldaron Essences has a formula that can support healthier reactions and be a valuable training aid in improving your dog's confidence and independence. Check out our Canine Separation Anxiety and Over-Attachment flower essences:

Shelter, Rescue & Rehome Dogs

Changing homes is tough! Even confident, adaptable dogs can find it difficult to adapt to new family and surroundings. Aldaron Essences has several wonderful flower essence formulas to consider for shelter adoptees, rescue, and re-home dogs, to help them recover, adapt, and thrive in their new lives. See our selection:

Puppies & Adolescent Dogs

Aldaron Essences' gentle, effective flower essence formulas are safe for all ages. Whether you’re wanting to help your puppy or adolescent youngster through a challenging fear period, ease his transition from one home to another, or simply improve sociability and self-assurance during a critical age, we have formulas to help! View our formulas for Pups & Adolescent Dogs here:

Senior Dogs

Ever so safe and gentle, Aldaron Essences flower essence formulas are the perfect natural solution for restoring energy, hopefulness, confidence, and attitude in the older dog. Also great for any age dog experiencing a setback due to illness or injury! Our Senior Dogs category:

Intact & Breeding Dogs

Intact dogs have their own unique behavioral challenges. Hormone shifts of one dog can disrupt all the dogs in the household! Aldaron Essences has flower essence formulas designed to help level out hormone-influenced behavior and mood swings, making life with intact dogs a little easier for all involved! Flower essence formulas for Intact & Breeding Dogs:

Travel & Moving

Our Travel & Moving category includes flower essence blends designed to reduce the stress, anxiety, and disorientation of traveling, as well as one to help improve your dog's confidence and adaptability during changes of home and other life transitions. View our Travel & Moving formulas:

About Julie

A professional dog trainer since 1990, Julie Cantrell is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC) through the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. She has over 24 years experience training thousands of dogs and working with all types of behavior issues. In addition, she holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Zoology, with special interest in animal behavior and natural history. Flower essences have been an integral part of Julie's world and work since 1994.

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Pet Service, Website

      Roseburg, United States

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