Alex Stracey Essentials

Hi! My name is Alex Stracey, and I am very passionate about Doterra! When you get started with me you can be assured that I will fully listen to your needs, and am someone you can trust and rely on to help you meet your goals and to be empowered!

I started with Doterra in February of 2017. There were 3 main reasons why I started using Doterra Essential Oils, and selling Doterra.

1). The first reason is because of my boys. My oldest son had been in and out of hospital for many tests over the past year. He ended up getting really sick (completely not related to his other issue), and I remember feeling completely helpless because there was absolutely nothing I could do or give him to make him feel better, or to support his tiny body to heal. This was a very dark time in my life as a mom, I knew there had to be a better way. I am so thankful that I have found Doterra, now I have a tool kit for my family to use on a daily basis, and during those times of crisis.

2). The second reason I started with Doterra is because after my second baby I had experienced severe postpartum hairloss. I had experienced postpartum hairloss with my first son, but after the second it was much worse. My hair was falling out in clumps and I was getting extremely thin. I had been pregnant or breastfeeding for the past 4 years, and figured my body must have been missing something. My friend Wendi had posted what she had used when she experienced stress related alopecia, and she had great I knew I needed to give it a shot too! I stocked up on all of the hair products from Doterra, their Lifelong Vitality Vitamin Kit, plus all of the oils Wendi had used. Now my hair is the thickest and healthiest it has ever been! My hairdresser is always amazed how quickly my hair grew back!

3). The reason I wanted to sell Doterra is because I knew I couldn't keep these oils and products a secret. They had changed my life so much, and I knew they could change the lives of so many people! Also, as a mom of 2 kids, and having a day job in a medically/male dominated field, I needed something that was just for me. I not only wanted to share these oils, but I also wanted everything that came along with the Doterra community. I gained a sisterhood, and some of my very best friends through Doterra! I am forever grateful!!

    Health/Beauty, Alternative & Holistic Health Service



      Southampton, Canada

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