Auriculotherapy Mossel Bay

Auriculotherapy is the stimulation of accupoints in the ear, it is a microsystem which reflects the entire body, represented on the auricle (outer ear).

Auriculotherapy can be effective for many conditions. While the original basis of Auriculotherapy is in ancient Chinese acupuncture, the late Dr. Paul Nogier developed the current methods in France utilizing painless stimulation without needles. In the 1950's he began to notice that several of his patients informed him that a scar was a treatment of sciatica, which had given them relief within hours or minutes of treatment. After studying this phenomena, and doing some research, he began mapping other parts of the body. This research lead to the inverted fetus principle. This was the basis for his diligent work to advance this technique to what we know today.

    Mental Health Service, Healthcare Administrator, Alternative & Holistic Health Service



      33 Church Street, Mossel River, South Africa


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