Body Sensing Mindfulness in Motion

BodySensing Trauma-informed Embodiment Therapy. Movements to soothe your nervous system. Release tension, heal from trauma and ease chronic pain.

Body Sensing is a practice that places the body at the heart of healing the whole.
Affiliated to Mind-body medicine. It's an emerging practice grounded in science and an ancient wisdom that the felt experience, sensing how the body responds to our moods and emotions is central to deepening self-awareness.
Body and mind are connected via the nervous system an intricately designed messaging system that influences every other biological function in the body.
Have you ever had that butterflies in your tummy feeling when you're nervous or had that dry mouth feeling and pounding heartbeat when you're anxious or in love? It's your Autonomic nervous system responding to how you feel. Feeling stressed and anxious trigger a fight/flight or Sympathetic (SNS), feeling. calm does the opposite, triggering a Parasympathetic (PNS) healing response.
Find ways to influence the nervous system and you will find a way to heal the whole body. Ancient body practices like Yoga and Tai felt that connection and created whole body healing practices.
Body Sensing principles are based on influencing the nervous system and focus on the less obvious responses to our feelings and emotions that go unnoticed or that we ignore. Feelings like “I have to do it”, “I have no choice”, “I’m not good enough” or “I wish I had more time”, “I need to get this done”’, “I can achieve this”, trigger the SNS in a similar way, creating tension that can lead to pain, inflammation, and high blood pressure.
To live well, the body must experience calmness and clarity more than stress and negative emotions. By bringing awareness to your feelings, body-centered mindfulness can help you t cope well with difficult situations.

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service


      6 Fynbos Crescent, Hermanus, South Africa

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