Broken Thyroid

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This page provides education, insight and information for individuals interested in supporting and maintaining a healthy Thyroid.

Broken Thyroid exists because of
one woman's journey.

Kristi Averett is a post graduate with a BS in Chemistry, a BS in Physics, and an MS in Physiology.

Through her journey becoming a Life Health Coach Kristi not only struggled mentally with the percieved ethics of commercial vs. natural medicine but also through her own personal physical and emotional struggles with Hashimoto's Disease.

Kristi worked as a Supervisory Respiratory Therapist at LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City, UT for years. Her journey to arrive at that point was filled with learning, struggle, hardship and heartache as well as triumphs, victories and a great deal of self-discovery.

She was fascinated with the chemistry of our body's physiology and loved doing research. She absorbed knowledge and studied the synthesis of analgesics as well as other medicines.

She also saw the healthcare industry up close and the politics involved in running a large business in the medical industrial complex.

Because of her schooling in the medical industry Kristi gave little credence to Eastern, Holistic or Alternative medicines. She was a Scientist after all...Fortunately for us Kristi IS a Scientist.

Kristi left the medical industry to utilize her talents in corporate America where she honed her presentation skills and business acumen.

Several business ventures later Kristi found herself as co-founder and owner/operator, along with her husband, of FoodWise® LLC, an organic freeze dried food store in Arizona.

During that five year venture many interesting things happened. Not only did Kristi present three cooking classes a week utilizing recipes from her four cookbooks but she also got sick…

She gained a LOT of weight, her hair fell out in clumps resulting in a new found collection of wigs, she couldn’t even keep her fingernails long because they became so brittle.

She was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease along with several other medical issues. Kristi lost her ZEAL which to her, was unacceptable.

Kristi had been preaching about nutrition since founding the store but her diet was not enough to regulate her body back to normal. It wasn’t until she had an “Ah-Ha” moment that opened her eyes to the science of nature’s pure medicine.

During nine enlightening months of research Kristi shared her findings with her clients and class audience resulting in Kristi becoming a certified Life Health Coach and starting a new venture with her Husband called Let Me Live It.

Broken Thyroid is a focused area of Let Me Live it where we have created this website to share our findings with anyone who is interested and especially those who are on the same or similar path as Kristi was health-wise.

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Health/Beauty

   (480) 370-8618


      Washington, United States


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