Dee O'Connor Sound & Energy Therapist and Coach

Abstimmen 5.0 (Durchschnitt von 20 Meinungen)

Facilitating people to move out of Stress, Depression & Anxiety, to a space of more ease, peace of mind, and less mind chatter & create a joyful life.

I'm Dee and I Facilitate people to move out of Stress, Depression & Anxiety, to a space of more ease, peace of mind, and less mind chatter so that they can create a joyful, happy & healthy life.

I am a sound and energy therapist and coach. Sound healing is the practice of using audio tones and vibrational frequencies to repair damaged tissue and cells within the body. Stress is the cause of all dis-ease, and so with these tools we can easily bring ease to the mind, body and being.

Imagine all your cells & molecules dancing, dancing in harmony to the most amazing sounds, dancing their way to health and well-being.

The Tibetan Singing Bowls have been used for centuries for healing & meditation purposes. They create a range of sounds to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of diseased and out-of-harmony parts of the body, mind and spirit.

#Stress reduction through deep relaxation.
#Releases emotional traumas.
#Help in many areas of cancer treatments.
#Activates self-healing mechanisms within the body.
#Promotes deeper sleep.
#Relief from headache, fatigue, insomnia, digestive disorders, joint or muscle aches, back pain, menstrual disorders, emotional imbalances.
#Positive influence on self-confidence, creativity and productive energy.
#Creates an over all feeling of well-being
#Cuts the mind chatter out
#And so much more, where ever there is stress creating dis-ease the bowls and sound healing will reduce the stress, dissipating the disease.

Dee O'Connor offers one to one session in Tipperary, Limerick, and Cork. And does group work in different area and can be found on the event section on her website

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service



      Kilross, Tipperary, Ireland

  Innenparkplätze, Parken auf der Straße

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