Dr.David Jernigan

Abstimmen 4.7 (Durchschnitt von 110 Meinungen)

Biological Medicine, Author Developer:BioResonance Scanning Specialty:Restoring health to incurables Biologix Center for Optimum Health www.biologixcenter.com

-The first doctor to write a book on the natural treatment of people diagnosed with Lyme Disease and now the author of four books on Lyme Disease, the latest edition is "Beating Lyme Disease; Living the Good Life in Spite of Lyme, 2nd edition. Changing lives, not just bodies.™
-The first to develop a botanical formula (Borrelogen) specifically frequency-matched to enable the body to effectively eliminate Lyme spirochetes.
-The first to present laboratory research verifying the effectiveness of a natural botanical formula (Borrelogen) to facilitate the body's ability to kill Lyme spirochete bacteria.
-The first ever to present laboratory research verifying the effectiveness of a natural botanical formula at the International Tick-Borne Diseases Conference in New York, NY 1999
-First to publish on the need for a more comprehensive approach, including detoxification for people with Lyme disease.
-The first to identify Hyperammonemia (ammonia) as the primary toxin byproduct of Lyme disease. (Published Townsend Newsletter for Patients and Doctors)
-The first to develop a botanical detoxification formula that can cross the blood/brain barrier and relieve the physiological effects of neurotoxins as verified by Functional Acuity Contrast Testing (FACT)
-First to develop a Lyme disease specific scoring system of Lyme neurotoxin levels using FACT testing.
-First to publish on abolishing the physicians use of a Herxhiemer Reaction as a guide to effective treatment. The sign of good treatment is that the patient feels better.
-First to identify global ammonia as the dominant toxin in Multiple Sclerosis and ALS.
-Developer of BioResonance Scanning (Adjunctive Diagnostic and treatment technique)
-Developer of NeuroPhotonic Therapy
-Developer of Multi-posture/Intraoral Cranial Fixation technique
-Developer of NeuroCardial Synchronization Technique
-Developer of BRADE (BioResonance Allergy Desensitization & Elimination Technique)
-Formulator of over 30 novel botanical and homeopathic remedies

Author, researcher, & physician director at Hansa Center for Optimum Health.

Founder of the Hansa Center for Optimum Health, in Wichita, KS, a five doctor health center specializing in chronic, non-responsive illnesses.

The ideal doctor is not one who specializes in diseases, but one who understands diseases, yet specializes in restoring what is optimum, from which point disease falls away.

"Treat the human condition and health will follow. Treat the bugs and more bugs will follow.™

    Doctor, Alternative & Holistic Health Service

   (316) 686-5900



      12219 E Central Ave, Wichita, United States

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