Electro Therapy for pain relief. ask for Jaime Alaniz 1 956 624 5135

Abstimmen 4.7 (Durchschnitt von 15 Meinungen)

The latest in technology for the relief of any type of pain. Results are immediate. Help someone that suffers from pain.

The New Era in ElectroTherapy for pain relief. Non-Invasive, Non-Toxic, Safe and Effective
THE PROBLEM: Pain is a silent epidemic in the United States.

** Over 60 Million Americans Live with chronic pain caused by disease, disorder or accident
**An additional 25 million people suffer acute pain resulting from surgery or accident
**Four out of every ten chronic pain patients are currently not seeing a physician for pain relief, as they think there is nothing more their doctor can do, or they think they can handle ith themselves
**The most common types of pain include Arthritis, lower back, bone and joint pain, muscle pain and Fibromyalgia
**One of four Americans experiences joint pain daily

THE SOLUTION: WellnessPro2013 Bio Electrotheraphy
The last decade has seen a major shift in the way Americans view medicine. Despite the benefits of pharmacological treatments and surgical procedures, associated side effects and addictions have demonstrated to the medical communit a need for additional approaches to patient care.
** Today a huge number of patients are turning to complementary therapies like chinese medicine, acupuncture, chiropractics, nutritional superfoods, targeted physical therapy, yoga and psychology, to name a few. powerful and effective modality that works-- Electromedicine!

The Bio Electrotherapy system known as the WellnessPro2013is a complementary treatment modality that has been FDA cleared to market and is a safe and effective device for pain management.

Having been used in many other countries for decades, U.S. practitioners are now finding that there are man inherent advantages to Bio frequency technology.

    Safety & First Aid Service, Health/Beauty

   (956) 624-5135

      McAllen, United States

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