Frameworks Yoga / Richard Gartner

Abstimmen 5.0 (Durchschnitt von 1 Meinungen)

The mission of Frameworks Yoga is to create dynamic and thoughtful yogis and teachers who are not afraid to change their practice based on new information.

I designed the Onward Facing Yoga app with one idea: how could I distill what I’m teaching into one package? It was my first attempt to create a syllabus for a teacher training program, and it helped organize what is most important for me.

Just as the Yoga Sutras imply saucha (intention) as a pre-cursor to self-study, I dealt with the context of the sequences before deciding on what poses I’d include. This is what is important to me. Anybody can tell you where to put your foot. It’s harder to describe why you should care.

Many major philosophic and scientific breakthroughs have occurred through a multi-disciplinary approach. In reading about these advances, I’ve seen one word pop up over and over: ‘frameworks’. When people from different backgrounds come together and open their minds to each other, the way they frame an issue expands. They never lose their perspective; their vista only widens. This results in solutions.

Contrast this to the way many disciplines, including some yoga styles, are approached. “Here is the one solution, here is the one method.” This has always felt fundamentalist and false to me.

Frameworks Yoga is a response to this dry method of instruction. The mission is to create dynamic and thoughtful yogis and teachers who are not afraid to change their practice based on new information.

    Yoga Studio


      Pittsburgh, United States

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