Healthy Habits

The Healthy Habits Nutritional Club offers services for the community to live a healthy, active lifestyle.


At Healthy Habits we are a group of people who want to inspire others to live a healthier lifestyle, by empowering people to reach their health goals.

Einstein said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again expecting a different result."

So come and learn about a different way of looking at nutrition and exercise. Help us form a social community network of like-minded people & create a new kind of normal... experience wellness on a cellular level; knowing that the way you live benefits yourself, your relationships and the planet.

The energy produced from these gatherings will give you many 'a-ha' moments that could be the springboard for you to start to live a healthy lifestyle and be in the best shape of your life!

We were once where you are and we needed a buddy too. Every day we worked on our fitness & wellness and we needed to be held accountable, just like you. So, if you’re ready to: Shed some weight ~Get Fit ~Meet new people ~Have fun ~Try new things...Then this group is for YOU!!!

Who is Healthy Habits for? Everyone! It’s for anyone who is ready to make a positive change in their life - whether you have lots of weight to lose or you are looking to drop a dress size or two! Maybe you are wanting to lean-up, build muscle and get stronger…or maybe you are someone who genuinely wants to start living a healthier lifestyle! No matter who you are, Healthy Habits is for you - you just have to take that first step & commit to better health!

    Weight Loss Center, Health/Beauty, Community



      Kenmore, Brisbane, Australia

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