Invigorate U

Invigorate U empowers, inspires and re-connects you to our greatness in mind, body and spirit! Wellness & Self-Development

Invigorate U will guide you through an integrative approach to mind-body improvement and accelerated performance. We customize programs uniquely for you to remove blocks from the body level all the way to the mindset. Come for a retreat at Zen Den Yoga & Wellness Retreat Center and disconnect to reconnect for 3, 5, or 7 nights. Or dive deeper intot the rabbit hole for YTT 200hr Certification with us for 26 days.

Integrative Bodywork and Energy Therapy on a massage table and our unique Personal Development Services are catered to identify areas of improvement and amplify individual strengths.

This is a one-on-one process to accelerated performance by reminding you of skills and abilities you already possess, and then introduction and application of new tools that can re-energize you to achieve even higher levels of success in both your personal and professional life.

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Education

   (954) 461-4367

      2200 N. Federal Hwy, Suite 223., Boca Raton, United States


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