Journey to Wholeness

~ Jessica Swan~ • Spiritual Gifts Mentor • Sacred Custom Jewelery • Tools 4 Alchemical Wellness • Blessings|Passings • Karuna Reiki|Sound Healing|Hypnotherapy • Sacred Soul Activism

Here at Journey to Wholeness, we believe that there are three main elements to focus on when healing: body, mind, and spirit. Join me, Jessica Jackson Drollette (shaman, reiki master, herbalist, health coach, hypnotherapist) and I will teach you the tools to heal your life as as I support you on your journey. As an energy healer, I am a certified master in Karuna Fire, Usui, Tibetan and Shambhala Reiki. I have certified as a Spring Forest QiGong Master Practitioner. I teach muscle testing (applied kinesiology). I have studied in-depth in the original method of EFT (emotional freedom technique) by Gary Craig as well as Brad Yates' method.

In my practice, I include a large number of shamanic techniques from around the world, such as Pachakuti Mesa Cross Cultural Shamanism, soul retrieval and integration, journeying, healing the shadow work, clearing homes, land, and families/communities, etc from negative energies. I also do blessing work for a variety of different occasions, and I work with sound healing instruments such as drums, rattles, flutes, singing bowls, symbols, and gongs. I also work closely with my guides and angels as well as the client with whom I am working. And I LOVE teaching my clients how to do these methods themselves as well.

I am a hypnotherapist, and along with shamanic journeying, I facilitated guided meditations, can help release fears, phobias, ancestral traumas, and help bring more balance to mental and emotional issues. I teach advanced grounding, shielding/boundaries, and energetic hygiene techniques to my clients. I have many of these meditations pre-recorded for purchase on my sister site

Relating to spiritual gifts training, I have been blessed with several spiritual gifts which help me to tune into my client's needs that help me to hear, see, sense, and know what would be beneficial for the client on their journey to wholeness. This often through help from the other side of the veil through guides, angels and ancestral helping spirits. You could use words like mediumship, psychic, seer, healer, etc, but I know these words are charged for many people, so I tend to not use them myself. I love to help clients learn to develop their own unique spiritual gifts as well as to connect to their divine helping spirits so they can continue this connection going forward in their lives.

I received my training as a Health Coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. During my training, I studied over 100 dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques, and innovative coaching methods with some of the world’s top health and wellness experts. My teachers included Dr. Andrew Weil, Director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine; Dr. Deepak Chopra, leader in the field of mind-body medicine; Dr. David Katz, Director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center; Dr. Walter Willett, Chair of Nutrition at Harvard University; Geneen Roth, bestselling author and expert on emotional eating; and many other leading researchers and nutrition authorities.

I have a lifetime of enjoying the healing power of herbs and have studied herbalism through Rosemary's Remedies by Rosemary Gladstar, Herbal 1st Aid by 7Song, Taste of Herbs course by Rosalee de la Forêt, and many works by Susan Weed, Dr. Christopher, Mountain Rose Herbs, Dr. Mercola, and others.

As a life and business coach, I have a B.S. degree in education and taught for 4 years previous to becoming a coach and healer. I trained in advanced NLP (neurolinguistic programming), Dave Ramsey's Financial Success Principles, the Universal Laws, Law of Attraction Coach certification and The Abundance Paradigm by Joe Vitale, the Silva Method for Life, and The Intuition Systems, Gary Chapman's 5 Love Languages, and advanced LifeFlow Meditation and visualization techniques, several programs by Dr. Wayne Dyer, basic theories of quantum physics, and hundreds of self-help and motivation books and programs.

My life experiences as well as my continued education has equipped me with extensive knowledge in holistic nutrition, health, life, spiritual, and business realms, as well as preventive health. Drawing on these skills, I work with clients to help them make and keep lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results towards their golden pathway--or the path that resonates with the highest frequency for their soul to integrate with in this life.

Read more about the different sessions I offer and more on what tools and techniques I incorporate on my website Also, feel free to message me here on Facebook or email me at if you have any questions. I love talking to those who are dedicated to shifting more fully toward wholeness!

Have a blessed day,

-Jessica Jackson Drollette

​(Please read our Disclaimer for more information before purchasing any meditations or booking any sessions with Journey to Wholeness.

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Personal Coach

      Moscow, United States


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