Karma Yoga - Lynn Hodgins

Abstimmen 4.8 (Durchschnitt von 6 Meinungen)

I am a yoga teacher and sound healer. I teach adults, kids, special needs, corporates, group sound meditations and one to one sessions.

Lynn has been teaching yoga for over 12 years & has been as Sound Healer for the past 8years. She runs weekly yoga classes for adults, kids, special needs groups in the Greystones area. She also runs sound healing mediations in yoga studios, corporates & retreat centres around Wicklow, Dublin & Louth.
Lynn offers private sound healing & one-one yoga sessions for adults & special needs children in Greystones.
It is my mission to assist people to become the very best version of themselves in this lifetime!
My favourite quote for life is this………..
“when you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bounds. Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction & you find yourself in a new great & wonderful world. Dormant forces & talents become alive & you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be” - Patanjali

    Yoga Studio



      Greystones, Wicklow, Ireland

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