Mindful Works

Abstimmen 4.9 (Durchschnitt von 17 Meinungen)

Mindful Works offers mindfulness courses, retreats, workshops and seminars for communities, schools, health centres, businesses and individuals.

Founded and facilitated by Dr Sharn Rocco, Mindful Works offers short courses, retreats, workshops, presentations and mentoring for bringing mindfulness to life by arrangement and invitation.

Sharn Rocco (PhD) has extensive experience as a meditation and mindfulness practitioner, teacher and researcher. She brings to her facilitation of Mindful Works courses and retreats skills honed during more than twenty years as a teacher educator and consultant.

An acclaimed teacher of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and calm abiding meditation, Sharn has taught numerous MBSR courses in New York, Forster, Taree, Townsville and Magnetic Island. For more than a decade she has offered calm abiding meditation courses as a community service. Sharn has led daylong and weekend mindfulness retreats in various locations in NSW and Queensland as well as in New York and Oslo. In 2014 she facilitated the first CARE for Teachers Retreat in Australia.

Twice scholar-in-residence for the Garrison Institute NY, Sharn has given conference presentations and published theoretical, magazine and research articles about reflective practice, mindfulness in schools, teaching meditation to mental health workers, and meditation effects on staff and student wellbeing.

Sharn brings to her teaching more than a decade of mindfulness and meditation practice supported by retreats and teachings with various renowned meditation masters in Australia, France and USA. Most notably, she has attended teachings with the Dalai Lama in Sydney, Melbourne and New York and with Vietnamese Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh at his monasteries in France and the United States. During her residencies at The Garrison Institute she received teachings from Chokyi Nyima and Tsoknyi Rinpoche; and participated in CARE (Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education) for Teachers facilitator training and Mindful School Curriculum and MindUp training.

Courses offered:

Bringing Mindfulness to Life
A short course – 4 x 2 hour weekly workshops

Bringing Mindfulness to Life at Work
A short course – 4 x 2 or 2 x 4 or 1 x 8 hour workshops

Bringing Mindfulness to Life at School
A short course – 6 x 1.5 or 3 x 3 hour workshops

Bringing Mindfulness to Family Life
A short course – 6 x 1.5 or 3 x 3 hour workshops

Mindfulness in Daily Life Retreats
Daylong or Weekend

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
A short course – 8 x 2.5 hour weekly classes

Mentoring and Mindful Life Coaching
One-on-one or small group, face-to-face or Skype – time and duration negotiable

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Education




      Townsville, Australia

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