Moon River Yoga - Fairbury, IL

Yoga classes for all levels offered in Fairbury, IL since June 2017. Also available for team, club, or group yoga sessions. Like the page for news and updates!

My name is Carmen Gentes. I began my yoga journey by cleaning a yoga studio in exchange for classes during college, and I have been hooked ever since. I obtained my 200 Hour yoga teacher certification through the Pranakriya School Teacher Training Program. I would enjoy nothing more than to share my love of yoga with the Fairbury community. My classes are tailored to your individual abilities and focus on both mental and physical health and wellness. I can't wait to practice with you! ~ Namaste ~

"We're after the same rainbow's end
Waitin' round the bend
My huckleberry friend
Moon River and me"

    Sports & Fitness Instruction, Yoga Studio, Health & Wellness Website


      208 E Locust St, Fairbury, United States

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