One Posture at a Time

Abstimmen 4.5 (Durchschnitt von 11 Meinungen)

Bringing Yoga, One Posture at a Time to underserved communities with emphasis on Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation facilities, half way houses and jail.

One Posture at a Time is a hatha yoga practice specifically designed to restore the addicted person to a recovered state of physical health and well-being. Our 60 minute guided moving-meditation eases the immediate pain of chemical detox and reduces the emotional, mental and spiritual harm caused by the toxic lifestyle of addiction. The negative blocks of shame and ‘dis-ease’, what we call the issues-in-the-tissues that have lodged deep in the body from years of harmful abuse, are slowly removed so that the innate sense of self-respect, self-love, and self-control, that which exists deep down inside every human being, can be fully recovered and realized.

    Nonprofit Organization, Charity Organization

   (646) 610-1461


      3101 Green Lane, Athens, United States

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