Robin Zendayah Empowered Path Alchemy

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Founder & CEO of Empowered Path Alchemy Foundation Creator of Human Crystal Body Gridding, Body, Environmental & Soul Alchemy. Reiki Master X 7 Professionally Trained Psychic

Empowered Path Body, Soul, Environmental & Business Alchemy

What is Empowered Path Alchemy?

The Keys to Energetically Empower You Body, Soul, & Environmentally to Manifest the life You Desire.

Empowered - make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.

synonyms: "enable, equip, emancipate, unshackle, set free, liberate"

Path - a way of life, conduct, or thought. The course or direction in which something moves. A particular course of action or way of achieving something.

Alchemy - process of transformation, creation, or combination. A power or process that changes or transforms something in a mysterious or impressive way.

A process that is so effective that it seems like magic.

We are working hard to get everything up on the website, as well as getting our school launched. In the meantime, there are over 1,200 crystals, stones, metaphysical tools, & services on the website for you to explore.

A Triumvirate System. We weave it together Body Alchemy with Soul Alchemy & Environmental Alchemy to form Empowered Path Alchemy. You may start with any of the Alchemical Paths you'd like, or with all three at the same time, the choice is yours.

Body Alchemy - correct and maintain the energetic system of Your Body, the vessel for Your Soul. Addressing the Body Level energy issues (physical, mental, emotional & spiritual) by correcting and maintaining Your Auric Field and Nine Core Chakras.

Body Alchemy:

Soul Alchemy - discover who You are energetically at Soul Level, Your Soul Keys, Energy Keys, Manifesting Keys, Spirit Guides, and so very much more. Learning what choices you made in past lives that you are living the consequences of now, and clearing Soul Level energetic issues from Your present and past lives.

Soul Alchemy:

Environmental Alchemy - take control of the energy of Your environment, to empower you to honor who You are at Soul Level with every choice you make to manifest the life you desire.

Envrionmental Alchemy:

Raw, Polished, Points, Clusters, Hearts, Spheres, Eggs, Pyramids, Power Stones and More.
Stones by form:

Find Your Favorite Type of Stone Here.
Stones by type:

Sorceress Rising
Candles, Cauldrons, Incense, Smudges, Oils, Stones, Divination & More

Live Stream Goodies

If you would like to see our newest goodies first, then we invite you to attend our Live Streams on Facebook, which happen every Tuesday and Wednesday night at 8 pm EST. Be sure to join our group and turn on notifications to be notified of our live streams.

If you would like to watch the replays of our live streams, you can find those here.

Facebook Group:

I want your stones to empower you, not just be pretty shelf sitters.
All of our stones and crystals are handpicked for you for their energetic potency in warehouses & showrooms, fresh off the ship direct from importers, not ordered in bulk sight unseen like most other shops, or are hand dug and hand polished by friends. This takes a lot of time and care.

We bring you stones that are metaphysically active.

We don't carry stones from countries with questionable processing practices, like 95% of other shops do. Those stones are usually coated with acrylic, or treated with heavy metals and other toxic substances, and sometimes irradiated to affect the color. All of these processes render a stone metaphysically dormant or dead, and some pose a potential health hazard. We care about you, our stones and the planet. We spend a lot of time digging through crates and containers to find the right stones for you.

We do pay a significantly higher price for your stones than someone who orders sight unseen in bulk. Quality costs more. The location your stone is mined from and how it is processed also strongly affects its ability to help and empower you.
The energetic properties of a stone are its nature, but where it is formed and how it as treated will either hinder or help it's abilities to empower you. A stone that has been abused is not going to be able to perform for you in the same way as a stone that has been properly handled.

Your items are energetically cleansed, cleared, charged, and have their D.O.R. corrected, though the 4C process by a certified crystal therapist, certified sacred stone grids practitioner, auric field & chakra technician, certified pendulum and rod dowser, Reiki practitioner, Soul Realignment practitioner, and professionally trained psychic before they are shipped out to you.

The metaphysical tools that I make for you are created with energetically potent stones & crystals, gratitude for your patronage, and joyful, loving, and respectful energies to always empower you.

Blessings Y'all~

Robin Zendayah

#crystalhealing #gifts #Christmas #yule #wicca #witchcraft #newage #metaphysical #metaphysics #lightworker #energyhealing #chakra #reiki #crystalreiki #crystals #stones #gems #magick #rocks #RobinZendayah #EmpoweredPath #EmpoweredPathAlchemy #bodyalchemy #soulalchemy #environmentalalchemy #businessalchemy #soulkeys #energykeys #manifestationkeys #empowerment #selfimprovement #manifestation #sorceress #stonesorceress #stonewhisperer

    Servizio di medicina olistica e alternativa, Acquisti e vendita al dettaglio, Scuola


      Hilton Head Island, United States

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