Silky Cup : A "Clinically Tested" Reusable Menstrual Cup

A "Clinically Tested" Reusable Menstrual Silky Cup is a bell-shaped device worn inside the vagina during menstruation to collect menstrual fluid.

Silky Cup: A Reusable Menstrual Cup

A Menstrual Silky Cup is a bell-shaped device worn inside the vagina during menstruation to collect menstrual fluid. Menstrual Silky Cup provides a viable alternative to sanitary napkins, pads and tampons. Reusable menstrual Silky Cup is the most attractive alternatives to other feminine hygiene products.

Reusable menstrual Silky Cup gives you 12-hour wear time as well as comfort and convenience during your period. Silky Cup has a life expectancy of at least 10 years, If maintained correctly. Try it and you'll see how it fits into your busy life! The most modern intimate hygiene product for girls and women

A menstrual Silky Cup offers many advantages: sleep well, visit the pharmacy less, hold more liquid, ward off rashes, lighten your purse, less changing, save money, get an extra five hours in between changes, suffer less leaks, and decrease your chances of TSS.




      New Delhi, India

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