Stepping Stones Holistic Healing

Acupressure Massage, Cupping Massage, Jade Stone Massage & Chakra Balancing Lori Chesley, Certified Holistic Health Practitioner

Oriental Bodywork/Shiatsu Massage

A deeply relaxing Japanese ancient art combining full body masssage and pressure points to gently release stress, muscle tension, aches and energy blockages.
Lighter techniques are used on the pregnant, elderly and children.

Deep Tissue Sports Shiatsu, Acupressure, and Barefoot Zen Style Shiatsu are also available

60 Minutes - $65
90 Minutes - $90

Jade Stone Massage

Ancient nephrite jade stones are known for their use in deep therapeutic massage. This hot and cold stone massage will work to increase your circulation, energize your body, boost your immune system and improve your overall well being. This may be combined with an Oriental Bodywork session.

60 Minutes - $85
90 Minutes - $110

Chakra Balancing Massage

Combining the benefits of oriental bodywork, jade stone massage and energy work together. This session uses massage and Chakra Balancing with gemstones to maximize your energy flow while improving your spiritual, physical and mental well being.

60 Minutes - $85
90 minutes - $110

Energy Medicine

Energy Medicine enlivens the energy that flows within you. This gentle healing can involve crystals, sounds, affirmations, meditation and other non-physical release techniques. It increases your vitality and joy in life by strengthening your energy centres.
May be combined with any bodywork session.

30 Minutes - $40

Gift Certificates available for all services - Please check out my website for more information -

Currently, Holistic Healing Therapies are not covered by M.S.P. However, some companies offer extended health benefits to their employees, which may cover treatment with a Doctor’s referral.

The services offered at Stepping Stones Holistic Healing are in no way meant to replace the advice or treatment of a physician. Always consult your physician in the event of serious injury, illness, or about medication.

    Servizio di massaggi, Servizio medico


      2914 Marshall Rd, Qualicum Beach, Canada


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