The Nourishing Fairy

Systematic Kinesiologist & Food testing Nutrition, Health & Lifestyle Consultant.

I love to help people nourish their body, mind and soul, so they feel less stressed, tired and overwhelmed by the busyness of life, empowering them to make the changes necessary to feel healthy and well, on the inside and out.

Are you lacking energy and feeling run down?
Do you suffer with digestive problems? eg. IBS, heartburn and indigestion etc..
Do you suffer with back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain?
Are you feeling anxious and stressed out?
Are you sick and tired of not feeling 100%?

Then I can HELP you!!
What can The Nourishing Fairy do for you?
By restoring balance to the energy channels, systematic kinesiology stimulates the body's natural healing processes and overall efficiency..

Systematic kinesiology is a special muscle testing technique which pin points and identifies the cause of imbalances within the body. Problems occur due to injury, stress, food sensitivities, nutritional deficiency, emotional and structural problems.

Possible benefits include:
Release of emotional stress
Relief of physical pain
Increased vitality and resistance to illness
Help with allergies and nutritional requirements
Enhanced functioning of brain and nervous system
Improved posture
Improved co-ordination
Help with learning disorders, phobias and low self esteem
Overcome fears and phobias
Setting and achieving goals
Tapping hidden potential

Kinesiologists do not diagnose or treat specific illness or disease but work with the body's vital energies within a holistic model of health maintenance and enhancement.

"Your Health is your Wealth"

Systematic Kinesiologist & Food testing
Nutrition, Health & Lifestyle Consultant.

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Lifestyle Service


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