Therapeutic Massage Therapy Body Vivo Healing & Learning Centre.

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Your VITAL Life. Embrace It Massage Therapy Training & Continuing Education for Massage Therapists.

Body Vivo is a company started by Skye & Brett Wikjord.

In 2013 Brett and Skye looked at each other and said, " This North American lifestyle is not working. Something has to change". They took a leap of faith, sold EVERYTHING, left Canada ( with their two daughters ) and moved to Central America. With a total of six suitcases and a guitar they landed in Costa Rica and eventually Panama.

They didn't know what they would do when they got there. They just knew they had to lead their two daughters on an adventure of a lifetime.

After three years of new adventures and settling into a tropical lifestyle they have decided to venture into something that comes very natural while doing what THEY LOVE.

Brett has a chemistry and pharmacy degree and LOVES to mix, stir and create products that our friends and family love to use.
The more organic and PURE the products the better.
All their products are 100% natural and contain over 10% healing organic MORINGA oil.
Their motto is: If we can eat it - we will use it.

Skye is a free spirit with a love for all things that keep the human body at it's optimal vitality.

She has been a body worker for 21 years. She was trained at Mount Royal University for Massage Therapy ( in Canada ). She graduated from the Soma Institute in 2004 and completed movement courses thru the Rolfing Institute and with Tom Meyers ( Anatomy Trains ).

She has since used her training to help thousands of clients move with less rigidity and pain. She loves to teach her clients and her students about the body's innate ability to heal itself. Through self awareness and an educated touch the body can integrate. She believes Its a beautiful honour to watch a body learn to move with fluidity and grace.

in 2016 she created and finished taking the first group of students through the 225 hour, Body Vivo massage training course.

    Massage Therapist, Massage School

   507 61055712 WHATSAPP PLEASE


      Calle Las Olas, Playa Coronado, Panama

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