Transcendental Meditation Retreats in CT & New England

Abstimmen 5.0 (Durchschnitt von 6 Meinungen)

All TM practitioners are invited to spend a weekend enjoying deep rest, profound knowledge and experience, and nourishing, delicious meals

A TM Retreat (called World Peace Assembly for practitioners of the TM-Sidhi® program) is an opportunity to spend a weekend gaining deep, revitalizing rest while enjoying profound knowledge in a beautiful settled atmosphere. The retreat includes: extended practice of the TM technique; neuromuscular and neurorespiratory programs of the Maharishi Vedic Approach to HealthSM, group meditations and discussions about experiences with the TM technique; and video presentations by Maharishi on higher states of consciousness. This unique experience of deep silence over a weekend, results in a profound reduction of accumulated stress and tension and forms the basis for the maintenance of unbounded awareness, inner happiness and Support of Nature in all aspects of daily life.

Many practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program take time for a TM Retreat regulalrly. They report that just one weekend of deep rest offers a revitalization enjoyed for months. A TM retreat is a prerequisite to taking the TM-Sidhi program and is the best way to gain a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of Maharishi Vedic Science.

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Nonprofit Organization, Education

   (203) 248-3000


      1360 Whitney Ave, Hamden, United States


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