United Concordia Dental

At United Concordia Dental, we believe that oral wellness can help you achieve better overall health.

Looking for help? Our customer service phone lines open at 8 a.m. ET each weekday, excluding some holidays. Simply call the number printed on the back of your member ID card, or find your group's customer service phone number here: www.unitedconcordia.com/dental-insurance/about/contact-us

We do strive to respond to comments here on Facebook within one business day. If you post late in the day or on a weekend, we will respond as soon as possible on the following business day. Please be aware that our Facebook page managers are not equipped to answer individual customer or benefits questions. In addition, because we are required to protect your personal health information, it may at times be very difficult for us to answer your questions or concerns in this public forum. When appropriate, we may ask you to send us your phone number in a private message or use our secure online contact form: www.unitedconcordia.com/contact-us/mailforms/customer.xhtml

Our Online Community Policy:
United Concordia is happy have the opportunity to build a relationship with you through all of our available channels, including here on Facebook. We care about your feedback and invite you to interact with us and learn more about dental insurance, oral health and overall wellness. We are committed to delivering you the best possible experience.

Please remember that this online community includes people from all walks of life. We are your trusted partner, but we also are a business, and we expect interactions on this site to be respectful and appropriate for everyone to read. Please do not post anything that could negatively affect others. If you do, we will take it down. Our Facebook page is a public site, so please be aware that your private information should never be posted. Any information that you share here could be viewable by the general public. United Concordia reserves the right to remove any information, delete comments, or block users from this site when in violation of our Online Community Policy. Specific examples include those that:
-- Violate the law (patient privacy, copyright, or other laws)
-- Use obscene language or otherwise could be interpreted as offensive, hateful or threatening to others
-- Are spam, off-topic, or overly repetitive
-- Offer unauthorized advice or product information
-- Disrupt the experience of others in the community

Your Safety Information: The health and wellness information available on or through this website is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. It is only intended to provide general information on oral health and wellness issues and United Concordia Dental. If you have a medical problem or need medical advice, please contact a dentist, physician or another health care provider. In the event of an emergency - call 911 immediately.

Important disclosures: www.unitedconcordia.com/dental-insurance/home/disclaimer/

    Healthcare Administrator, Insurance Company



      Harrisburg, United States

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