Wild Heart Tantra

Tantra is the path of trust and surrender in the present moment. Tantra is rebellious, spontaneous and wild!

The space of the heart

Relax, let go and surrender into the space of the heart. In the space of the heart you are connected to all that is.
In the space of the heart you will find it easy to follow the flow of life, to be spontaneous in a conscious way.

The heart space is waiting for you. How to get there, you might ask?
There is not one way but instead all the roads you walk in honesty to meet your own pain, your pleasure, your sorrow, your joy, your despair, your loneliness, your darkest shadows, your brightest light, your desire, your ecstasy and everything else that stirs your inner peace.

The only way to get there is to give yourself fully to what life brings you, to stop holding back and being cautious, making compromises and hiding from yourself and others.
Trust, relax, let go of control and surrender to the energy of awakening.

Drop the goal, drop the effort. Stay connected, playful and sincere.

The heart is wild and spontaneous. Learn to listen to its voice without judging, without explanations of your mind and ego.
The importance of the body

We are born with a physical body, to live, grow and remember on this planet. The key is to settle fully in your body, to accept it as it is and treat it with love and tenderness, to make it your temple on earth. Ascension is in fact about coming down in the body rather than reaching for the heaven.
The body, with all its needs and functions, is pure, perfect and divine. Getting to know your physical being well, through movement, dance, touch, massage and breath, will help you take possession over it and love it.

Sexual energy and expanding orgasm

Sexual energy is divine. It is the energy of creation, our life energy. We are all born out of it and we can use it for creating new life. We can also learn to use its creative power with intention for other purposes if we don’t want to create children.
Becoming conscious about the power of sexual energy, we might want to stop wasting it, like many of us do. Ordinary intercourse or masturbation for a quick release, to get rid of frustration, to fall asleep quickly, to discharge energy that we don’t know how to contain, is like heating a house in the cold winter with doors and windows wide open.

The alternative to wasting energy is to learn to grow our capacity for enduring pleasure, expanding orgasm to a long lasting state of bliss instead of explosive coming. Sex becomes our meditation.
When we learn to expand orgasm and avoid just throwing our energy out for no good reason, when we have a good reason we can amplify our energy and use it intentionally for creating other things in our lives. Welcome to my retreats to learn more about this!

Retreats & Sessions

Tantra is an essential part of my life. My mission is to share my experience with people who are interested, in retreats, one-on-one sessions, writing books, giving talks and training Tantric Life Coaches.
I give retreats for singles and for couples and friends, sometimes alone and sometimes co-leading with inspiring teachers or assistants. Most retreats take place in Tammisaari/Ekenäs, Finland in our course centre and Tantric eco-community. I also travel to festivals and course centres around the world to share my work.
In Helsinki the regular Wild Heart Tantra evening classes are led by me or my Tantric Life Coach colleagues.

My retreats are very practical, playful, spontaneous and heart-opening. The best way to experience Tantra is through practice, which will bring you exactly what you need in every moment. Through practice you will find your own insights and your own truths, which support you to show more of who you really are, your greatness and your light.
In the retreats I will encourage you to listen to and express your own boundaries and needs as well as to stretch your comfort zone. Naturally you are all the time free to choose what you do and how you do it.

My sessions are based on the same kind of practice and touch as my retreats. The difference is that either you bring your partner to practice with or I will be your partner in the moment. In my sessions I can also offer you de-armoring or TRE – Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises combined with tantric practice.

About me

To learn and share has been my passion in life. For me the best ways to learn are experiencing, going through challenges of life and actually teaching others.
My learning/teaching career began as a teenager when I started to give horse riding lessons and train young horses. Both horses and students taught me a lot about cooperation, patience and learning new things with ease and joy. My career as a professional in horses lasted about 25 years when I slowly started integrating yoga, meditation and shindo bodywork in working with riders. After my trip to India in 1998, where I met my first Tantra teacher Radha C. Luglio, the horses’ part in my work with people gradually faded and the other parts grew.
I organized Tantra retreats with Radha in my course centre for some years, participated in her training in Denmark and began my own more regular practice.
After an interview about how Tantra “changed my life” in a Finnish ladies magazine, people started asking me to give retreats. I felt inspired by the idea and in March 2003 I gave my first retreat in Tantra. It seemed to work quite well but I still felt the need for more understanding of sexual problems and traumas, so the same year I joined a two-year long therapist training and graduated in 2005 as a therapist specialized in sexual and relationship matters. During the same time I also studied and graduated as Facilitator for Family Constellations, a method that has given me a lot of support in my work.
I have studied several kinds of bodywork methods – Intuitive touch, Reiki, Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage, Shindo bodywork, de-armoring and Tantric massage.
I have studied Tantra with several teachers and partners. As teachers that have touched me deepest I want to mention Radha, Gitama, Barbara Carellas, Jennie Rehbinder, Leanne Edwards and Matthias Schwenteck. I also want to honour Svagito Liebermeister, one of my teachers in Family Constellations who was very important for my work, as well as my therapy teachers Marjo Timoria and Markku Väätäinen.
Still, the source that I draw most from is my own experience achieved by facing challenges and practice with an open heart. Because of this all people in my life have been important teachers!

I have been training professionals in Sweden from 2008-2010 at the Sexsibilty Coach training in Sweden with Lorenzo Stiernquist and Tantric Life Coaches in Estonia and Finland since 2012.

Shanti Limnell
Tantra teacher
Tantric Life Coach
Therapist, sexuality and relationships
Sexsibilty Coach
TRE provider
Family Constellation facilitator
Solution focused supervisor

    Personal Coach, Education, Massage Service


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