Women's Holistic Healing, Trish DeTura, CNM

"Empowering through Education and Healing through Touch"

We at Women's Holistic Healing (WHH) believe in empowering and supporting women throughout their lifetime by listening to them with our hearts, providing them with holistic education and helping them to heal through therapeutic touch. Call to schedule appointment.

*WHH was born out of my desire to improve upon the care I was providing as a RN, and Nurse-Midwife.
I knew that women and families deserved better care than what I was able to provide within institutional settings and dreamed of a creating a comprehensive holistic practice but knew that in order to do so, I had to embark upon further studies.
With the support of my family, I traveled to Belize and Mexico to study Maya Abdominal Massage with Rosita Arvigo and pursued Herbal Medicine studies with world-renouned Herbalist David Winston.
I also pursued Homeopathic studies at the School of Homeopathy New York and Homeopathy for Midwives with the British Institute of Homeopathy.
Recognizing that there were times that our issues become stuck in our tissues, I pursued becoming a Massage Therapist.
Midwifery has served as the foundation upon which I built my unique holistic practice and as a catalyst for further growth.
Women and their families deserve the best. I provide holistic care utilizing tools from my various domains of study.
Women's Holistic Healing provides:
1) Abdominal Therapy to its clients and has witnessed much improvement in the health of the women we serve.
This therapy consists of massage techniques, herbology, nutritional suggestions, flower essences to support emotional health and spiritual healing.
**We address: Fertility challenges, irregular cycles, painful periods, PMS, incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, discomforts of pregnancy and post partum, peri and post menopausal symptoms, etc.
2.) Herbal and homeopathic suggestions for common issues of pregnancy. (The FDA approves the over-he- counter sale of homeopathic remedies and is safe for pregnancy).
3.) Revolutionary techniques of postural exercises that help women to successfully manage pelvic organ prolapse (rectocele, cystocele, or uterine prolapse) and urinary incontinence, that have saved many women from life-altering surgeries.
(to learn more:www.wholewoman.com)
4.) Birth Counseling for pregnant women who have suffered childhood sexual abuse, incest, and those with a history of a previous traumatic birth experience.
5.) Support Groups/Circles:
a.) "ICAN of Bergen County" - for women who have experienced a surgical birth
b.) Women's Circle
6.) Classes:
a.) Infant Massage classes for parents, grandparents to learn to massage the newest members of the family
b,) Self-Care Classes
**I consider myself fortunate to walk in the world of science and holistic healing and consider it a true honor to serve women and their families. I just love working with women throughout the phases of their lives from maiden to mother to matriarch.
I have great confidence in a woman's ability to heal and transcend any kind of trauma she has experienced in life.
It is our responsibility to support each other- the women and the men with whatever gifts God has bestowed upon us. In doing so, we improve upon the health of the family unit, society, and the greater world.
Trish DeTura

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Professional Service

   (201) 384-4955

      185 Center Avenue-2nd fl., Westwood, United States

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