11:11 Full Circle Healing

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CHEK HLC Holistic Life Coaching, NLP/ hypnosis, weight loss, metabolic typing, nutrition, holistic balance, pain free movement, fitness, yoga

11:11 Full Circle Healing ~ personalized health programs: balance emotions and energy through holistic nutrition, fitness and lifestyle techniques, using the principles and teachings of World Renowned and sought after Holistic Health practitioner Paul Chek.

What makes 11:11 Full Circle Healing Program different from all the other nutrition and weight loss programs and fitness programs:
* there are no strict rules
* you learn to tap into your body's unique needs in each moment, always giving your body exactly what it needs for optimal health and healing
* it is an individual program tailored to your body's specific needs - not a one sized fits all program like all the other ones you see.
* it's a program that will eliminate ALL your fears surrounding food - you will never feel like "oh I can eat this, or I can't eat that" you will simply be able to feel what food will be the optimal choice for your own body in that moment
* you will come into your own body's healthiest form and shape
* learn how to maintain - optimal health and body shape (not just loose weight, but how to keep it off and feel amazing)
* can eat any time of the day
* have what your body asks for
* eliminate cravings
* become more clear of mind and become emotionally balanced
* become vital and full of lasting energy
* you will be 100% satisfied
* eyesight will improve, body function will improve, coordination and mental spiritual physical integration will improve, your sport and athletic ability will become peak, you will become highly motivated as a natural state of mind.
* limit body stress, mental stress, emotional stress.
* balance hormones
* cleanse your body
* eliminate toxins
* create optimal functioning of all organs and tissues and body systems
* improve immunity
* balance adrenal health and heal adrenal fatigue
* balance insulin levels
* be raised up
* heighten sex drive and performance
* become free of medications
* have the ability to do the things you want to do ~ never feel trapped in your body again
* improve digestion and elimination
* improve sleep quality
* loose weight
* have brilliant energy and enthusiasm
* decrease inflammation
* look and feel younger
* let go of old negative patterns regarding eating and body image
* massively improve self esteem
* improve in your efficiency and clarity of mind
* the program is holistic and intuitive - and once you learn it, you are set for life to never have to question food or diet again
* you will know with out a doubt exactly what your body needs in any given moment
* nurtures you

* you will be in communication not only with your own body, but with a facilitator who is well versed & certified in nutrition, physical fitness, yoga, herbology, mental and emotional therapy, NLP, life coaching, motivational coaching, spiritual, intuitive and natural healing and be in connection with some one who truly cares.

Join 11:11's Full Circle Healing 2 Month Program - message for details Alyssa Huntley (alyssahuntley@gmail.com), by facebook or call 705-340-5085 space is limited.

~ Live from Love, not from fear.... change the way you look at your body, at food and at fitness forever... never worry another day in your life ~ become FREE

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Sports & Fitness Instruction


      15 William Street North ~ Unit 1111, Lindsay, Canada

  Internal parking, Parking in the street


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