有馬温泉 陶泉 御所坊

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有馬温泉 陶泉 御所坊 Arima Onsen Kobe Japan Tocen Goshoboh

「陶泉 御所坊」は、神戸の北部、六甲山の麓に位置する日本三古泉であり日本三大名泉でもある有馬温泉、その地で1191年に創業。足利義満が逗留して後、「御所」と呼ばれるようになりました。豊臣秀吉の命により現在の場所へ移転してからも、その時代その時代の文豪墨客に愛されいます。昔ながらの木造と日本的美意識を取り入れながらも、どこか神戸らしい外国情緒が溶け込んだ不思議な空間です。

Goshobo has been embracing other cultures and creating its own atmosphere in its facilities through
the period of significant changes in Japan:
Japan has been fostering its culture by absorbing the good aspects of other cultures since the so-called Taisho
democracy, the time of the liberal movement in the Taisho era (1912 to 1926). One of figures who grew the
trend is Hirobumi Ito who became the Prime Minister of Japan four times during the Meiji era (1868 - 1912).
He was one of our patrons. A phrase in his handwriting is exhibited in one of our guest rooms. During the
period when the liberal movement was flourishing in Japan, there was a dance hall in Goshobo where guests
enjoyed dancing. The dance hall, which is currently used as a library-cum-salon, symbolizes the free and
open-minded character of Goshobo.

    Inn, Health Spa, Hotel Resort



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      北区有馬町858, Kobe-shi, Japan

  Internal parking, Parking with valet parking

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