Alchemy of Breath - Healing Conscious Breathwork

An opportunity for spiritual awakening and self healing with Alchemy of Breath Conscious Connected Breathwork.

"A conscious breathwork practice is the vehicle to access parts of the body, psyche and spirit that otherwise remain hidden. There is no drug, and no teacher greater than the God that exists in each of us. The practice of inspiring (bringing in spirit) is the quickest access route to that teacher inside us, and the warmest welcome we can give ourselves to a new world of possibilities, both for our own personal growth and self healing, and as an example for others. It is the fastest path to our own mastery and self compassion that becomes the root of outward love to those that surround us.

For me it's an honour to hold space for others to explore these delicate, sensitive elements of themselves, and to see how quickly they are able to achieve resolution with issues that may have been troubling them for a lifetime. Wherever a person is on their journey, the breath can help them dig deep into their own understanding and support them through shadow work and into a spiritual openness and peace that is free and available at all times! The breath is the greatest gift we never really received; and now with the support of practitioners around the world, and the burgeoning quantities of people embracing its full potential, it is being understood for what it can do - it can change the world, one breath at a time!"

Anthony Abbagnano is the founder of The Community of Healing, an international organization that promotes the union of Western medicine with other modes.

Other forms breathwork include Holotropic, Rebirthing or Transformational breathing.

    Servizio di medicina olistica e alternativa

      Sant' Joan, Ibiza, Spain

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