Apex Vision Fitness

Live Apex Creating a physique you love 365 98% of diets fail for specific reasons Learn how to eat for your bodytype Stay lean without calorie counting

AVF’s (APEX VISION FITNESS) empowering teaching style motivates their clients to reach beyond self-imposed limitations and achieve the results that they never thought possible, no matter what level they begin at.

Unrelenting in their quest to stay at the top of the most current scientific breakthroughs in nutrition & training, AVF continues to build upon a dozen plus years of hands-on gym experience with continuous studying. And they’re always open to having their mind changed if the argument is convincing enough! Ryan Rosengren & Danielle Vaughan stand apart as trainers who can both “talk the talk, and walk the walk”

"Dedicated to Clients…Focused on Results"


    Fitness Trainer, Fitness Model


      Kelowna, Canada

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