Attuned Master Energy Healing

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Intuitive Natural Energy Healing Usui & Tummo Reiki Master Emotion & Body Code Certified Practioner Animal, Distant Healing Reiki courses CBD Oils health

About Founder and Owner of Attuned Reiki Master Energy Healing

This is very personal, but I think it is good to share it as it will help everyone understand that everything is for a reason and all of the trials and tribulations, pain and bad health were all so this practitioner could know what its like to feel pain and loss, to help others, to understand what its like to experience pain and illness, and to help people heal even more!

Rita Rooks from Attuned Reiki Master Energy Healing is now a Reiki Master and Natural Energy Healer, but her road was long and uphill before reaching her destination here. Before she even entered the world, she was kicked in the head in utero and almost didn't make it into this physical world. Which led to not being able to crawl. (Learning in Brain Integration school that crawling teaches both sides of brain to interact.)As a child she was always sick with colds, flu, stomach etc. She was always told she was too ‘sensitive’ and ‘emotional’. She ‘talked’ to animals, brought them all home etc. She has since learned that yes, she WAS very sensitive and emotional, to other people’s feeling and emotions. She could always ‘feel’ what other people were going through and little did she realize that sometimes even their ‘energy’ stayed with her. She didn't know she was an empathy back then. She now realized that Energy blocks began early as a small child because of her sensitivities and emotions, growing up in a broken home etc. (too many details to add here).

She realized, when she was a Hospice nurse and she became more aware of the spiritual world (which she was always deeply interested in) how sensitive she truly was. She became even more sensitive, seeing, hearing, feeling things as she was with her patients as they were crossing over. She would even know when they passed in the night, when she wasn’t there, by getting woken up from a dead sleep and feeling them pass.

She was in real estate for years, first as a successful Realtor in Michigan and then as an Financially successful investor in California. She realized that while helping people find their dream home and helping people in foreclosure, fixing them up and making them beautiful was rewarding, financially, it wasn’t NEAR enough to fill her soul of wanting to help people. At the age of 47, she went back to Nursing school to finish what she started after high school. She had to repeat all of her classes, as in Nursing, skills and classes have to be recent. She continued to have nerve pain, exhaustion, other illnesses and her immune system was low, getting sick often.

Nursing school was very challenging as she had to continue to work full time, still supporting her children and herself and it was a very stressful time and physically exhausting. Right before and during her nursing years, struggling after her abundant years of real estate, she lost a lot of ‘things’. Her marriage fell apart, divorce, she lost her home in foreclosure, (which was ironic as she had helped many people in this terrible position) tenants destroyed it and she was unable to renovate it financially and physically spent as well as no time as she was working full time and going to Nursing school full time at the ripe age of 47. During those years, she also sustained 4 or 5 concussions, within 4 or 5 years. Literally knocked on the head, (by the universe) knocked out, hospitalized several times and at least 3 or 4 more concussions earlier in her life, from car accidents, gymnastics, fainting while pregnant etc. She has been told, she has always ‘did’ too much. (She now realized why those concussions happened).

When we are NOT on our ‘path’ and in our Body, doing what our higher self, the Universe, God, Great Spirit, Source, Divine, (or whatever you feel comfortable calling it), and NOT doing what our soul is here to do, you WILL get knocked on the head or something equivalent! She just had been super stubborn and too busy to listen!

This lead to her searching for other natural healing as the traditional doctors did nothing for her. She was unable to work after the last concussion she had while she was a Hospice Nurse in California. She tried EVERY Therapy and could NOT totally heal. She was nauseated, extreme fatigue. dizzy 24 hours a day, couldn't drive etc. A friend of hers had ‘healing’ hands and helped, but she could not get enough, it seemed. Little did she know that ‘friend’ had had some Reiki training and THAT was what her body needed and wanted!

After losing almost everything once again, she moved to AZ to try and help her parents as they were both ill, as well. She knew she HAD to find something to help heal herself and her parents and she was beyond frustrated, still unable to heal or work, even drive, after over a year, spending all her savings on almost every other therapy! After many, MANY prayers, Her ‘guides’ and ‘angels’ finally directed her to this wonderful Reiki practitioner who did long distance healing. She literally was ‘awoken’ when she felt the energy of this Master healer and immediately realized, this is what she was searching for! After just three long distant sessions with her, while resting in her own home, she felt 65% better! (This seemed like a miracle after all the other therapies and 50 years of energy blocks) She had a couple more sessions and she felt so much better in such a short period of time, she knew she had to learn this therapy! She took some Reiki and Energy Healing courses and she still continues to work on herself whenever she is stressed or needs it.

She is happy to report she is totally healed from her brain injury and feels better than ever! Both her parents are doing well also! She has never felt so clear, peaceful, happy, pain-free, well, and full of energy, as Reiki helps on all levels, spiritually, emotionally, physically. Energy Healing can also protect your energy field so no negative energy attaches to your aura and we can clear the negative energy as well.
Disease and illness are simply energy blocks. She learned this the hard way, so you DON't have too!

She has taken many courses now and received over 50 different Energy attunements and counting as she ‘feels’, hears and knows the Universal Life Force energy that is flowing through her is so healing and she can’t wait to help as many people as she can!

Message or Call Rita Rooks, she would love to answer any questions and help as she specializes in long distance healing and can help anyone anywhere!
Thank you for your time in reading this little biography.

Love and Blessings,
Rita Rooks, Reiki Master and Natural Energy Healer

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service

   (928) 237-5377

      1129 W Iron Springs Rd. Suite 102A, Prescott, United States

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