Concealed Carry SWLA

We provide training that will assist you in obtaining your Louisiana Concealed Carry Permit.

Southwest Louisiana CCW, LLC offers the training needed to obtain your Louisiana State Police Concealed Carry Permit. All of our instructors are NRA Basic Pistol Instructors and all strive to provide quality instruction to our students.

Our classes are informal, informative, and carried out in a friendly and comfortable setting. They are structured around a PowerPoint slide presentation and include short videos, demonstrations, and interactive discussions. Students are encouraged to participate in the discussions, but nobody is ever pressured to do so.

We limit the class size to allow for personal attention to all. Our students have found them not only informative, but well organized, well presented and thorough in content.

We strive to conduct the course in a manner that is easy to understand, interesting and engaging. We teach what you must know to fulfill the State requirements, and we teach you those things you should know to be a responsible gun owner. A primary source of students for our classes is individuals referred to us by satisfied ex-students that enjoyed their experience with us. Students leave our class with a comfortable understanding of the laws addressing the use of force and concealed handgun carry.

    Specialty School, Sports & Fitness Instruction

   (337) 540-0053

      Elton Drive, Jennings, United States

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