Faces by Karen OBarr

Rating 5.0 (average of 1 opinions)

I'm a SeneGence Distributor who offers a full skin care & cosmetic product line. LipSense is a popular product with long lasting (4-18 hours) lip color.

I am Karen OBarr and I am a SeneGence Distributor. The core product I offer from SeneGence is LipSense. LipSense is an amazing lip color that lasts a very long time. SeneGence states that it lasts between 4-18 hours. I personally use this lip color and feel so strongly about it that I decided to become an advocate and start selling it.

The reasons I love this lip color are many. First and foremost is the amount of time that it stays put. I have personally seen nothing less than 8 hours. The other reasons include:

No Animal Testing
No Animal Byproducts
FDA Approved Ingredients
Made in the USA
LipSense Contains no Wax or Lead
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
There is an Ingredients List for Most Products on Their Website

SeneGence also offers other cosmetic and skin care products. If there are any products you would like please let me know.

    Skin Care Service, Health/Beauty

   (559) 575-5421


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      Hanford, United States

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