HEAL with Shari Holistic Life + Mindset Coaching

I empower YOU to get out of YOUR own way + to move towards creating the life of YOUR dreams. All coaching is done by phone/Zoom Let me help you STEP UP.

Welcome to HEAL. I became a Transformational Health + Life Coach because I was so sick and tired of hating my body, judging myself, comparing myself to others, and sabotaging my attempts to gain optimal health, awareness, love + compassion for myself. And I was sick of seeing so many wonderful women who were like me and were stuck in a cycle of negative self-talk and abuse, getting in our own way preventing us from living life to the fullest. It was time to get real and cut the bs and to SHOW UP as myself, and FOR myself in my own life! Having grown up with a chronically ill parent, I have a lifelong passion for all things health + wellness, and have educated myself in Holistic Nutrition, Ayurveda, Holistic Skin Therapy, Reiki, TCM, and the list goes on, but the Psychology of how the brain works, and how LASTING HABIT CHANGE works, was the "light bulb" moment for me. I knew there had to be a more effective way for US to HEAL! Transformational Coaching focuses on what YOU, The Client wants to change 1st, and then the underlying issues keeping you from getting what you want next. I will help you to grow forward in getting what you want in any area of your life, as "how you do 1 thing is how you do everything". I will help you to STEP BACK from being IN your life to being an observer of it, so you can see new possibilities + choices are available to you. I will help you to LET GO of old beliefs + patterns and create new ones by implementing small, consistent changes until they are automatic. I will support you in saying YES to yourself and your truth without feeling as though you are losing anything. I will stretch you to take EMPOWERED ACTION from a place of groundedness in yourself and your truth. I will provide the ACCOUNTABILITY that you need to make success inevitable. In my 90 day LOVE THE SKIN YOU'RE IN Mind, Body + Soul Total Transformation Program, together we will uncover what's been blocking you + slowing you down from having the health + life you know you want and deserve. We will create a powerful vision for your transformation and what it will mean for you and your life. We will get crystal clear on a step-by-step plan to create a TOTAL LIFE TRANSFORMATION in 90 days or less. If you are ready to stop PLAYING SMALL with your health and your life, contact me here or at healwithshari@gmail.com and we can set up a complimentary EMPOWERMENT SESSION to see if my program is your NEXT STEP!

    Servizio di medicina olistica e alternativa


      Toronto, Canada


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