Katrina Mather - The Body Toolkit

Katrina Mather's award winning health retreats in the Scottish Highlands: sharing tools to achieve goals in health & life.

The Body Toolkit wellness retreat is a first-of-its-kind programme in Scotland, designed to teach the key tools for exceptional health and achieve lasting results. At the end of the retreat you are rewarded with a body that looks and feels lighter, clearer and brighter, with the techniques to maintain your goals and ideal weight for life. The Body Toolkit approach is comprehensive incorporating juice detox, nutrition, enjoyable exercise in nature and establishing supportive thinking patterns and habits to encourage long-term change.

The philosophy at the heart of The Body Toolkit is that if we use the right tools to understand what the body needs, as well as develop positive, supportive thinking patterns, health goals and weight loss will take care of themselves.

If you are curious about how good a Body Toolkit retreat could make you feel, please email katrina@thebodytoolkit.com - the debut retreat begins on the 18th October 2014.

What is it going to do for you?

Quite simply, detoxification is the single most important thing we can do to improve, not only our body, but our life. Unfit diets, lifestyles and excessive modern day stresses burden the body with toxicity (substances that serve no purpose and often cause damage). We believe that the root cause of any physical or emotional imbalance is the accumulation of toxicity in our system. When we aid the body in removing the toxins that have accumulated over time and nourish it with freshly extracted juices, the results are powerful, immediate and lasting – here are some very common results:

• Increased and sustained energy throughout the day
• Feeling happier with less mood swings
• Rapid, lasting weight loss (where excess weight is being carried)
• Elimination or marked decrease in cellulite
• Firming and tightening of the skin
• Healthy glow and better skin
• Improved immune system
• Relief from aches and pains
• Better quality of sleep and sleeping patterns

    Servizio di medicina olistica e alternativa

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