Healing Through Animal Communication -
Through the Animals We Transform the Human Race
Animal Communicator, Reiki Master/Teacher, Shamanic Journeywork
Communicating with an animal is a two way process, there is a sender and a receiver. Amazingly, animal communication can be done in person or over a distance. Generally I prefer to speak to animals over a distance. Usually I work from a picture of the animal rather than have the animal in the same room with me. When I ask an animal a question, I receive their answer in the form of a picture, a feeling, a thought or an emotion.
When I work with any animal, I treat each one with respect and compassion. I really need to listen and not rush the conversation. I am speaking with the animals telepathically, that means in my thoughts, using my emotions, my physical feelings or perhaps I see pictures in my mind’s eye. There are no crystal balls, I am not a mind reader. Talking to an animal is like talking to a person, the key to a great conversation is how tuned in to listening I am. My field of energy needs to be clear so that I am listening from a neutral place. I am not judging from my own perspective. (i.e. I can’t do this, others can but I can’t. Nothing’s happening. The animals don’t want to talk to me.) I must remain neutral. (Let’s see where the conversation takes us.)
When I am talking to an animal for other people, it is extremely important to relay as accurately as possible the messages that the animal would like to share with his or her person. Many times the message from the animal does not make sense to me, but it does make sense to the animal's person. As an animal communicator I am championing for the animal.
I have been on a conscience spiritual path for 25 years. The inward journey is the most important journey I will ever take. I found that once awakened, I can never go back. One of the most important things that I have learned, is that I am not only responsible but also take credit for every thought, every feeling and every action that I have or take. No one is putting thoughts in my head or feelings in my heart. Therefore, I am able to change my mind and my heart whenever I choose to do so.
A daily meditation practice keeps me spiritually fit along with good nutrition, yoga and aerobic exercise, and healthy sleep patterns.
I had the pleasure to study with my beautiful mentor and friend, Rebecca Moravec for 12 years. I became a Reiki Master in 2003. I became a Reiki Master/Teacher in 2007. Going to Brazil in 2004 and 2005 to see John of God, a full trance medium, was a life changing experience. I learned how to meditate deeply and completely and through this practice I have learned how to heal on a cellular and soulful level.
I have always loved animals and from early on, I knew how to talk to my Guides. When I was in fourth grade, I started making art. When I did not know how to finish a project I would ask, "What needs to happen next?" Either immediately or shortly thereafter the answer would come from somewhere deep within me. To this day, it brings me great joy to talk to my Guides and Angels. In 2005 I took my first Animal Communication Class. It felt natural to speak with the animals and it brings me great joy to use my gifts. I absolutely LOVE to talk to the animals for both the sake of the animals and my human clients.
I made a commitment to myself, my mentor, Rebecca and my fellow classmates to study Shamanic Journeywork for the year 2010 and then again a year long study in 2012. I worked on myself. Through meditation and journaling I went deep and healed on a soulful and cellular level. As a group, my classmates and I studied Meditation and Energy Clearing, Breathwork, Past Life Regression, Soul Retrieval and Soul Extraction. We explored traveling through the upper, middle and lower worlds through Shamanic Journeying. We visited the Akashic Records in the upper world and found our Totem Animals in the lower world. I learned how to explore in detail the journeying process including how to expand my awareness to include powerful healings for myself, my fellow classmates and the animals.
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