Megan Lindsay, Counsellor

People come to counselling for many reasons, and therefore the work we do together can be varied and extensive. I welcome any feedback. I hope you will find me trustworthy and transparent. I intend to work openly and honestly with you and I welcome questions about the purpose of what we are doing.
I am a Provisional Member of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors (NZAC). I have an office in Gore which I take appointments on Mondays, and other days only by special arrangement.
I work from a person-centred, strengths based perspective, using an array of counselling models to guide my work. I am interested in how our social world can influence us and our thinking/behaviour/values etc I will also consider how your beliefs/faith impacts on you, and will be curious as to your abilities and resources which have enabled you to manage your life so far. I believe sometimes we can get stuck in patterns which once worked but aren't working anymore, or an event occurs which takes us well away from a coping mechanism. This is where I feel that 'talking therapy' can be useful - looking from outside perspective, with a no-blame point of view... and this is also where honesty is important!

As part of an ethical duty to take care of you and myself, I have regular supervision. This is with a trusted member of NZAC who abides by the Code of Ethics of NZAC.

I take notes during and/or after each session for my memory. These notes are both yours and mine. You are welcome to look at these, and have a copy if you wish. I will endeavour to keep these private and secure, locked in a filing cabinet between sessions. It is legally required that I keep notes for ten years after our last meeting.

Anything you tell me is kept confidential, unless there is risk of harm to yourself or someone else. In this situation I will endeavour to work with you in informing the appropriate people.

Payment is $70 per session, which is 50 minutes. You are welcome to discuss payment options with me. If you wish to pay via internet banking the details are M R Lindsay, Kiwibank, 38-9007-0123856-01. I can provide receipts - please ask.

I currently see clients at 23 Ardwick Street (the Gore Baptist Church). The entrance to my office is off Albany Street car park. Please drive in to the car park as far as you can, and you will see glass ranch slider doors. This is the office where we will meet.

Since the scheduling of an appointment includes reservation of time specifically for you please allow a minimum of 24 hours notice if cancelling, or re-arranging. Payment is expected for any sessions missed without adequate notification.

As a member of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors I am bound by a Code of Ethics. If you feel I have breached these you are welcome to talk with me about it. If you feel unable to do this, you can go to and follow the Complaints Process.

Because we live in small community there is a likelihood of us coming across each other. I may say hello, but if I do not acknowledge you it might be because I haven't seen you, or I am aware that you are with others and may wish for me not to acknowledge you. It is not because I am ignoring you! I wish to prevent embarrassment to you at all times, so feel free to discuss this aspect during one of our appointments.



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      23 Ardwick Street, Gore, New Zealand


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