Melinda's Natural Soaps

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All natural handmade bath and body products.

A few years ago in an effort to ease my many allergies, I did a lot of research on the products that we use every day on our bodies and in our homes. The more research that I did, the more I realized that I wanted to eliminate these from my environment. I first started making my own soap, and found that not only did I love the positive effects that it had on my skin, I also really enjoyed both the chemistry behind it and the endless creativity that can be used to make it.

Since my first effort at making soap, I have learned a lot to say the least. I have eliminated all but one commercially produced product from my bath and beauty regimen (if anyone has found a good natural recipe for mascara, please let me know). I make my own shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, deodorant, makeup, laundry detergent and household cleaners, all using natural ingredients and no preservatives. While I have found that there are some drawbacks, homemade soap does leave more soap residue on your bathtub, I do feel better, my skin looks and feels much better, and I feel much better knowing exactly what is in the products that I am using.

My products are based on my experience, my allergies and my skin. While I have received positive feedback from those who have tried them, the ingredients that I use will not work for everyone. If you have a sensitivity to an ingredient that I use, please let me know and I will be happy to work with you to formulate something that will work for you. I am more than willing to share my experiences and my recipes if you are interested in making your own products.

    Beauty/Cosmetics Company, Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care

   (740) 215-8943

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      Stone Road, Chillicothe, United States


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