Michelle Husa - Essentially Gaia

Feel inspired and empowered as you join me on my Wellness Journey to make healthier, natural choices that I had always envisioned for my young family.

Thank you for visiting my page. My name is Michelle Husa and I am the owner of an essential oil business and “Gaia Creations” (an online store for essential oil accessories). Both of my businesses are run from home, so that I am able to work around my FIFO partner and two young children.

I have been using quality therapeutical grade oils (CPTG) since December, 2015. In this time I have drastically reduced the use of chemicals and pharmaceuticals within our home. These oils have empowered me as a mother to make positive changes in our lives. Not only are these oils truly amazing, but also the community that comes with it – with open and loving arms.

Being introduced to these oils couldn’t have come at a better time. At the start of 2015 my motherly instincts kicked in when I noticed changes in my son’s behaviour. When I queried this with others, I was told it was due to hormones and big changes at school. As my first born, I was none the wiser and ignored my own intuition. At the beginning of 2016, a mother of a child with similar behaviours guided me to where I could find answers. From there, I put a lot of emotional, physical and financial strain on myself and my family while I went on a mission on what I thought was to help my son. Let’s just say that it has been a huge year for us all, and my belief system has changed dramatically. However, we as a family are still navigating our way through, so that is all I will say for now.

What I will say, is that with the love and support of many great people we have also managed to change the way we eat. This alone, has made a huge difference with our children’s health and behaviours, as well as our own.

My son and I have also embarked on a new journey together. We have begun meditation as a natural alternative to relieve stress, anxiety and depression (alongside our oils of course). Together we are also learning about our chakras and have rekindled our love and fascination of crystals and stones. His way of thinking and perception on life amazes me every day…..I really do wonder if we should be conditioning our children to fit into our modern world or whether their pure innocence can reteach us what so many of us have forgotten – if only we were to REALLY listen?

On this page I will share products from my business, recipes, chemical-free alternatives, positive affirmations, current events, how we use essential oils in our home and of course…. ME!

Through this I hope to inspire and empower others as they join us on our journey to a more natural and healthier life.

** Please refrain from posting any negative comments if you find my posts offensive. This is my personal journey and my opinions, whilst I navigate my way through new and old life beliefs/experiences. Thank you.

    Product/Service, Health/Beauty, Alternative & Holistic Health Service


      Mandurah, Australia


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