Move Strong Gymnasium 24/7

We create strong bodies & minds with holistic & scientifically-based programs that get you to where you want to be. It’s time to quit your excuses!


We are located at 32 Don Road, Devonport Tasmania 7310.

We are a 300m2 private strength and conditioning gym. This means that although anyone can join, you will need to demonstrate a set standard of fitness before joining our main classes. And before we scare you off, YES, we will train you meet these challenging targets - no matter how old or beat up you currently are. We call this the RITE OF PASSAGE. All new clients must experience it after you are initiated (ie - when you join and are shown around, etc).

We combine elements of olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, strongman, bodybuilding and hardstyle kettlebell training. You'll only see a couple of machines in our gym - ones that are functional and help you to directly increase your performance and physical aesthetics. We've got a 20m turf track for pushing sleds and doing resisted sprints and agility drills. We've got 4 massive power racks and enough platform space for 12 people. We've also got stacks of barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells, pullup bars, medicine balls, skipping ropes, battling ropes, climbing ropes, gymnastic rings, boxing bags, sandbags and a bunch of other good old-fashioned stuff like that.

Our training is totally different. We aren't a bunch of pooncy personal trainers, we are strength and conditioning coaches who through serious training will help you elicit real and measurable results.


Seriously, anyone can join Move Strong Gym.

We have training programs for complete beginners all the way to elite athletes. We specialise in getting people to understand how their body works, moving better and developing true usable strength.

Yes we do hard work. And yes you'll probably suck at first. But that's ok. Together we will develop a fitness camaraderie that will keep you motivated and constantly progressing. If you stagnate or go AWOL for a period of time, not only will your coach personally harass you (and perhaps nag you to DEATH!) but your comrades will recognise your absence. And because of the bond you develop and the competitive drive you will feel, you get your butt back into the gym and you keep coming over and over and over again.

At Move Strong Gym, everyone knows your name from the moment you walk through the door. Your picture is on the wall along with everyone else's. Your personal records are marked up on the wall. They are celebrated no matter how modest or freaking awesome. You are on your journey just like everyone else. Sure you will compete with your comrades, and sure you will banter and carry on. But when the going gets tough we stick together. Like ancient Spartan warriors and the gladiators of old, we train to improve and to succeed. Our battlefield is personal, but our journey is shared.


Any monkey can make you red faced and sweaty for an hour. With a bit of browsing on YouTube and Google, you'll know more than most people who call themselves 'personal trainers'. Plus, 99.9% of the exercise form of these so called 'experts' on the Internet is questionable at best and more often DOWN RIGHT DANGEROUS!

Why leave your performance and success in the hands of some goof who has great Internet marketing skills or who posts pretty little videos online? Sure you may have gotten some fully sick biceps, or maybe have a six pack already, but if you aren't consistently in the top 5% of your sport, you need to improve. Don't waste your time experimenting. Learn from us and shortcut your way to success.

We are specialists in corrective exercise, technical correction, safe training and scalable intensity.

Train with someone who knows what you are doing wrong and can fix it. Train with someone who can take you from where you are to where you want to be. We aren't going to hold your hand and do the work for you, that's up to you! But we actually have the knowledge you need to succeed.

You have the potential to be freaking awesome, so cut the crap and do some serious training for real results.

Do you need us? Maybe not mr/mrs Know-it-all...But if you can't do 10 strict chinups, bench press, squat or deadlift 1.5 x your bodyweight or do a 10km in less than 60mins you aren't ever going to be the best at your sport. End of story.


Our program is completely unique.

Beginners will learn how to control the body and learn the finer technical elements of training the MOVE STRONG way. For more advanced students we vary the workouts and up the intensity. We aim to improve your work capacity across broad time and modal domains. Which means in English, you will be awesome at the following:

• Strength
• Speed
• Power
• Endurance
• Stamina
• Agility
• Accuracy
• Balance
• Coordination
• Flexibility

When you first join, you'll need to complete our Rite of Passage (ROP) program. This includes an initiation, a few coaching workshops and some fitness testing. During your initiation we'll determine a program for you to help you get the most out of your training.

If you are an athlete looking to increase your sporting performance, looking to complete the Russian Kettlebell Challenge (RKC) or even to take part in the CrossFit games, we provide a full yearly plan to take you to the next level. Your program will break down exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals.

Lastly, Move Strong Gym is all about performance, and a large part of this is effective and efficient, pain free movement. We integrate restorative methods into your training like corrective exercise, soft-tissue therapy, stretching and mobility work. All this stuff will help you if you’re banged up, broken or otherwise busted up. It WILL improve your performance, and make you look and feel better than you ever have in your life.


"Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports." Greg Glassman - CrossFit Founder.

Feel better, move better, be stronger, be fitter!

We do work. Real hard, real effective, work.

"If you want entertainment, look in the mirror" Shaun Cairns - Snr RKC

"If you don't know how, I'll teach you. If you don't want to, I'll make you!" Pavel Tsatsouline - Chief Instructor Strong First and Co-Founder RKC

"To be the best you have to do what others are not willing to do. You have to get out of your comfort zone and do what ever it takes to better yourself every day. The day you stop learning is the day you die. Never think you are too good or better than anyone or too arrogant to learn." Rob Kastoun - CrossFit RevolutionX Head Coach



      32 Don Road, Devonport, Australia

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