NaturOil Choices Essential Oils

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100% safe & natural Health Canada-certified essential oils & essential oils-infused personal care products from the world leader in Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils: Young Living

This is the public Business Page for the NaturOil Choices Essential Oils Team, providing 100% natural, organic, toxin-free and THERAPEUTIC grade essential oils, oils-infused supplements, skin care, personal care and home cleaning products from the world leader for over 24 years: Young Living. These medical grade oils are used by over 150 hospitals who would use no other brand.

Young Living products have been certified as Natural Health Products (NHPs) by Health Canada! Young Living’s NHP registered products have each been given Natural Product Numbers (NPNs) by Health Canada that appear on the label - which according to Health Canada’s website means “sufficient scientific evidence exists to substantiate that these oils can help restore, maintain, or improve health” - we can now talk about what was always true!

Doctors can now prescribe Young Living products using the Health Canada NPN numbers (like DIN numbers for chemical medications).

Tony & Sue van Kessel, Wellness Consultants and Business mentors - visit our website

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    Alternative & Holistic Health Service


      175 Britannia Rd, Huntsville, Canada

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