Nicssential Oils

Rating 4.9 (average of 32 opinions)

I teach folks the dangers of synthetic products that's misrepresented to the public.Everyday items marketed to make the consumer believe they are "safe" and "natural".If you desire to learn about ways to eliminate and create. You're in the right place!

Inhaling, touching, or tasting an oil is like eating a delectable piece of chocolate, a glass of rich wine, a freshly brewed latte, a glowing candle, or an aromatic massage oil. All require the olfactory in your brain to ignite with memories and pleasure from these stimulating aromas.

Studying oils and sharing my findings makes me so happy because just a few years ago I clung on to these smells and moments as a way to escape the physical pain of Cancer. The pleasures and mental wellness we can obtain from essential oils is underestimated goodness.

Everyone has a different story involving challenges and pleasures. The earth provides us with resources that we take for granted when we synthetically re-produce the qualities that will never provide us the benefits. Why buy Lavender with fillers and additives when we really should be respecting the plant that took 1,000 pounds of flower to produce 1 pound of oil?
Please join my page, so we may educate each other, learn ways to administer the oils to their potential, and share the oils provided for us. Check out the impressive kits available through the website listed.

Oily Yours, Nicssentual

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service

   (859) 488-2840

      Burlington, United States

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