
Expert advice in nutrition, exercise & lifestyle change Melissa Matheson - Sports Dietitian & Exercise Physiologist

What do I do?
I am an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD), Sports Dietitian & Exercise Physiologist (AEP)

What does that mean?
I am a recognised professional with the knowledge and skills to provide expert nutrition & dietary advice and prescribe targeted and individualised exercise programs. I am able to translate scientific evidence based information into realistic practical advice for clients.

As an APD and AEP I am specifically trained to help treat or manage a range of health conditions through integration of nutrition & exercise prescription, these include; diabetes, heart disease, gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, osteoarthritis and many more.

Services Provided -
One on One consultations covering;
•Thorough initial assessment of current diet, exercise and lifestyle habits
•Body composition assessment utilising a top of the range InBody570 machine which enables accurate measurements of body fat, muscle mass & fluid retention.
•Development of an individualised diet & exercise plan to suit food preferences, current lifestyle & long term health goals
•Regular follow up to monitor body composition change (Fat/muscle mass) & progress towards reaching your goals.
Group presentations or Corporate wellness programs

What about sports?
Developing diet & training strategies for;
•Appropriate food & fluid fuelling to optimise performance and enhance recovery
•Achieving and maintaining weight or body composition targets
•Appropriate use of ergogenic aids & supplements
•Strength & conditioning strategies for targeted results

    Gym/Physical Fitness Center, Nutritionist, Lifestyle Service

   0408 205 868

      Dubbo Medical & Allied Health Group, Dubbo, Australia

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