Ten Toes and a Sole

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I'm a Registered Practical Nurse trying to help communities with foot care and health teaching to prevent lower limb complications.

Ten Toes and a Sole is about doing quality footcare in the comfort of your home with a qualified nurse. Most areas in Simcoe County will be serviced, if in doubt just ask.
Prices start at $55 for your initial consultation which is about 1 hour to 1.5hrs then down to $45 for each visit thereafter. If money is an issue, payment can be worked out just PM me.
I have a supplier that I get all my equipment from and can order products specialized for your needs. All of my tools I order in a sterilized pouch from a company in London as to cut costs for myself and my clients. These get opened in front of you for your health and protection and are disposed of after use. I will do my best to answer any questions you may have and if not will contact one of my nurse colleagues.
My passion is my two boys ages 8 and 3 and I work full time as a staff nurse in long term care specializing in geriatrics. My husband is my biggest supporter. Happy walking! Crystal RPN FCN

    Medical & Health, Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care, Professional Service


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      49 DeCarolis Cres, Angus, Canada

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