Ali Tessitore

Wife, mom of 3, RN/Certified Health Coach. Passionate about helping women find their balance in getting healthy. Email:

I am a mom of 3, RN, & Certified Holistic Health Coach.
My mission is to be a beacon of hope & strength to other women that they too can find their balance in getting healthy from the become "Imperfectly Balanced" body, mind, & spirit.
I host monthly virtual health & fitness challenge groups for ALL women along with free slimdown groups, free workouts, health tips, and local events on my page.
Our community of women is simply life-changing. We live lift together, the good, the bad, flaws & all. It isn't just about getting healthy together it is about community, hope, and freedom.
If you are ready for MORE & want to become the BEST woman, wife, and mom you were called to be please reach out to me...I would love to help you!
Feel free to email me if you need helping reaching your health & fitness goals or are interested in hearing more about our Imperfectly Balanced Health Coach Team
Ali Tessitore
Founder of Imperfectly Balanced

    Personal Coach

      Tampa, United States

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"Relájate... con un clic"