APPI Health Group

The Australian Physiotherapy & Pilates Institute© (APPI) is now firmly established as a world leader in Physiotherapy and Pilates training.

APPI courses are largely practical and interactive. APPI recognises that individuals learn differently; courses include practical sessions, assessment workshops (of the deep muscular system).

The APPI curriculum is designed by Physiotherapists, specifically for those working in the field of rehabilitation. Pathology, normal movement patterns, neuro-muscular timing and neural pathomechanics are addressed in relation to each exercise. The traditional Pilates repertoire is broken down into clearly defined levels ensuring a standard, gradual progression towards normal functional movement. Scientific evidence from the University of Queensland on segmental spinal stabilisation and from Erasmus University on pelvic stability forms the theoretical foundation for the APPI curriculum.

    Physical Therapist, Pilates Studio, Education



      The Chapel, Wellington Road, London, United Kingdom

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